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Mon Valley Push Christmas Dinner Dance
Richeyville Fire Hall
Dinner and FREE BEER with admission
PreSale $17
$20 at the Door
Children 13 and under admitted FREE if accompanied by an adult
To purchase Tickets for $17 each, order here:
(If you purchase advance tickets, they can be picked up at the door)

Mon Valley Push ‘From Fritz’s Garage’ cd
$18.00 (includes shipping)
Mon Valley Push ‘Murphy’s Law’ cd
Mon Valley Push T-shirt
Available in Black, White or Charlie Tansek Edition (Charlie Tansek edition is a | novelty shirt for ladies with two push symbols on it) sizes: S, M, L, XLG $10.00
Mon Valley Push Hat $25.00
Mon Valley Push Bandana $8.00
Mon Valley Push Water Bottle $1.00

Mon Valley Push Towel – Black – $20.00

Mon Valley Push Towel – Yellow – $20.00
Frank Stetar 683 Pike Run Drive Daisytown PA 15427
Prices include shipping and handling.